Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wish List

14 more days until Christmas! I couldn't be more excited for that magical day. I have to keep reminding myself to appreciate every day leading up to THE day because the closer we get to Christmas, the closer I get to going back to school. I've been sort of down and out lately because of my shoulder surgery. It's been such a whirlwind these past few weeks! I had three finals in one day and every waking moment before my exams were spent with my nose in a book (okay, maybe Pinterest served as an occasional study break). The day after my finals I was scheduled for shoulder surgery and I was also planning on going home that same day. My parents drove me home and my mom has been the best nurse in the world when it comes to making sure I'm as comfortable as possible. I also had killer headaches which kept me away from the computer for a while, hence the lack of blogging.

Here's an (unrealistic) list of things that I would LOVE to get for Christmas this year and I think most girls would agree they wouldn't mind seeing this below their tree as well. If anyone feels the need to do a random act of gifting, you know how to get in touch with me ;)


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